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Stock Feed Potatoes

Stock Feed Potatoes

Grown for human food consumption, with excess and substandard potatoes sold as stockfeed. When available they make an ideal supplement to forage. Contains good energy and excellent starch levels. The protein level is 10-11%, with half of this being in the form of non-protein nitrogen compounds. Potatoes are a poor source of minerals.

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Typical Analysis

Dry Matter 20
Crude Protein 11
ME 13.5
Crude Fibre 4
Oil (EE) 0.2
Ash 5.5
NDF 13.3
Starch 62
Sugar 8
Starch & Sugars 70
FME 13
Salt 0.05
Calcium 0.05
Total Phos 0.2
Av Phos 0.1
Magnesium 0.1
Potassium 2.5
Sodium 0.05

Analysis Glossary

Limits to Usage

High in starch so over feeding may encourage acidosis. Rotten, green and dirty potatoes should be avoided as they may contain alkaloids. Small potatoes may produce a risk of animals choking and chopping helps. Sprouted potatoes are dangerous to livestock.

Storage / Processing

If storing outside, try to prevent frost damage by clamping or covering with straw.

Material to have been stored in compliance with DEFRA code of practice for the control of salmonella.


Feeding rates are estimates, and other factors, such as animal health and environment, can have a greater impact on how animals perform. There is no guarantee that animals will perform as expected if fed the suggested rates. Rations should be balanced to provide enough energy and protein for animals, and they should include enough forage to keep the rumen healthy. Animals also need access to fresh water at all times.